I am a historian of economics. My research examines the transformation of French economics since World War II by exploring how historical, societal, and economic context shapes the production of economic knowledge.
I am particularly interested in the following issues: how patronage system shape economic knowledge, how economics has reconfigured its disciplinary identity by interacting with other social science disciplines, and how economists’ dialogue with administration has impacted their knowledge production.
My PhD dissertation explored the economic research agenda of the Sixth Section of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (renamed Ecole des Hautes Etudes des Sciences Sociales [EHESS] in 1975). I demonstrated the influence of the Rockefeller Foundation grants on postwar French economics and how the internationalization of French economics estranged economists from other social science disciplines since the 1970s.
I’m currently interviewing more than fifty economists to write recent history of French economics.
I am an Assistant Professor and a researcher at ThEMA (CNRS UMR 8184) and I teach economics at CY Cergy Paris Université at the IUT.
Curriculum Vitae (Last updated: September 2022)